Lawn Fertilization


Program offered as 6 total applications:

  • Spring Application – Wake up the lawn! Stimulates growth and creates great color.
  • Late Spring Application – This application has a crabgrass control product, weed killer for dandelions and other broadleaf weeds and an insecticide to help control sod web worm, grubs and crane flies.
  • Early Summer Application– All about feeding the lawn. Developing strong and healthy lawns to withstand the summer heat.
  • Mid Summer Application - Granular based application to sustain a deep green, healthy lawn. We also spot treat weeds as needed.
  • Late Summer Application – This application is a fertilizer application with weed control. Also added is a broadcast insecticide application to control fall insect outbreaks.
  • Fall Application – This is all about giving the lawn needed nutrients to help make it through winter.